AVS Constitution
(Released on September 12, 2004 at 12th AVS meeting)
( Revised on June 19, 2021 at 77th AVS meeting)
数字音视频编解码技术标准工作组章程 |
Constitution of the Audio Video Coding Standard Working Group of China |
根据数字视音频相关产业和技术发展的要求,信息产业部科学技术司批准成立“数字音视频编解码技术标准工作组”。为保证工作组顺利开展工作,特此根据《中华人民共和国标准化法》和《信息产业部电子标准工作组管理办法》的有关规定制定本章程。 |
To meet the requirements of the digital audio and video industry and related technology development, the Audio Video Coding Standard Working Group was established with the approval of the Science and Technology Department of the China Ministry of Information Industry (MII). This Constitution is thus framed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Standardization Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Administration Rules of Electronic Standards Working Groups Issued by the Ministry of Information Industry to ensure the performance of the Working Group. |
一、工作范围 |
I. Task Scope |
本工作组主要面向中国的信息产业需求,负责数字音视频等多媒体设备与产品中的压缩、解压缩、处理和表示等技术标准的制定工作。工作成果将由信息产业部科学技术司审议批准后作为行业标准发布,或直接由信息产业部科学技术司提交国家标准化主管部门审议批准成为国家标准,或提交给其他标准化机构发布或规范性引用。 |
With the main purpose of meeting the requirements of the information industry throughout China, the Working Group takes the responsibility for the formulation of technical standards related to equipment for multimedia compression, decompression, processing and presentation and products like digital audio and video systems. The working results will be submitted for review and approval by the Science and Technology Department of MII to publish such standards as industrial standards, or be submitted by the Science and Technology Department of MII directly to the State Authority of National Standardization to be ratified as National Standards of China or be submitted to other standards authorities for publishing or normative reference. |
二、会员与工作组 |
II. Members and the Working Group |
工作组组成采用会员制。会员分为正式会员和观察会员两类。 |
The Working Group is constituted by its membership. Members are classified into two types: Official Members and Associate Members. |
凡在中国大陆注册,并且拥有独立法人资格的单位或组织,在同意遵守本章程的情况下均可自愿申请正式会员资格。首批正式会员由信息产业部科技司批准。后续的申请者经工作组审核接受并上报信息产业部科技司备案后,可成为正式会员或观察会员。 |
Any unit or organization that is registered in Mainland China and is an independent legal entity under Chinese law may apply to be Official Member at will, provided it agrees to abide by this Constitution. The initial Official Members need to be approved by the Science and Technology Department of MII. Any following applicant will become an Official Member or Associate Member after being reviewed and so accepted by the Working Group and its membership being reported to the Science and Technology Department of MII for record. |
不是在中国大陆注册并拥有独立法人资格的单位或组织可申请成为观察会员。观察会员承担正式会员应承担的所有责任,观察会员拥有正式会员的所有权利。除本段的规定外,下文关于会员的所有规定均适用于观察会员。 |
Any unit or organization that is not an independent legal entity registered in Mainland China may apply to be an Associate Member. An Associate Member shall bear the same obligations as an Official Member. An Associate Member enjoys all the rights Official Members have. Except for the provision contained in this paragraph, all the following provisions concerning Members are applicable to Associate Members. |
所有会员构成会员大会,会员大会是工作组的决策机构。所有会员有平等的发表意见和参与讨论的权利。每个会员拥有一票表决权,工作组内任何决议的通过都必须得到不低于到会正式会员数三分之二的赞成票。 |
All Members may attend the Members Meeting, which is the decision-making body of the Working Group. All Members have the equal right to express their opinions and to attend discussions at the meetings. Every Member possesses one vote. Any resolution of the Working Group must be adopted by no less than 2/3 votes of Official Members attending the meeting. |
工作组采用组长负责制,组长由信息产业部科学技术司批准任命。工作组组长所在单位为本工作组挂靠单位。 |
One President nominated and approved by the Science and Technology Department of MII will be in charge of the Working Group. The Working Group shall be attached to the unit or organization with which the President works. |
工作组设秘书长一人,由组长任命,负责工作组的日常组织工作。 |
One Secretary-General, appointed by the President, is responsible for the general management of the Working Group. |
工作组设联络员一至两名,由信息产业部科学技术司任命,负责工作组与信息产业部科学技术司之间的沟通与协调工作。 |
One or two Liaison(s), appointed by the Science and Technology Department of MII, will be responsible for the communication and coordination between the Working Group and the Science and Technology Department of MII. |
会员指派参加标准制定工作的专业人员称为工作组成员。 |
The personnel designated by Members to participate in the formulation of standards constitute the Working Group Staff. |
工作组根据工作需要下设若干专题组。每个专题组设一名专题组组长,专题组长来自工作组成员,由工作组组长任免。工作组组长、工作组秘书长、工作组联络员、以及专题组组长一起组成总体组。 |
The Working Group may set up several special subject Subgroups when necessary. For each Subgroup, a Chair will be appointed from the Working Group Staff by the President, and may be removed by the President. The President, the Secretary-General, the Liaison(s) and the Chairs of Subgroups constitute the Management Council. |
三、会员的权利与义务 |
III. Rights and Obligations of Members |
1、为保证标准制定工作的基本运行经费支持,会员应按年度缴纳会费。会费由工作组在挂靠单位设立专门账号管理,专款专用,全部用于本工作组的工作开支。 |
1. To ensure funds for general operation of the formulation of the standards, Members shall pay an annual membership fee. The Working Group shall set up a special account in the name of its hosting unit/organization for the purpose of managing the fees paid in by Members. The funds in the special account shall be used for the sole purpose of covering the working expenses of the Working Group. |
2、会员应至少指定一名专家人员(即工作组成员)参加标准制定工作。对于没有指定工作组成员的会员,工作组将发出书面通知。在通知指定的时间内未做出书面回复的会员,将被取消会员资格,当年会费不予退还。 |
2. Each Member shall appoint at least one of its expert staff to participate in the formulation of the standards (i.e., to be one of the Working Group Staff). Written notice will be sent to any Member that does not appoint any Working Group Staff. The membership of the Member that does not reply to such a notice in writing within the period provided therein will be terminated. The membership fee for the current year will not be refunded. |
3、成员必须具有组织纪律性,须有数字视音频方面的专业知识或法律知识,具有较高的外语水平,对标准制定工作认真负责,同时必须保证一定的工作时间,及时完成分配的任务。 |
3. The Working Group Staff to be appointed by Members shall be well disciplined, possess expertise or legal knowledge related to digital audio and video work, and have high level foreign language skill. He/She should also be responsible for the standard formulation work, and allocate enough time to get his/her assignment done in time. |
4、一旦会员指派了某一工作组成员,该工作组成员应当保持相对固定。在其工作完成之前,会员应当力求做到不替换积极参与工作组项目的工作组成员。若确需换人,有关会员应当书面通知工作组秘书长。工作组成员因故不能参加工作组活动时,应提前通知所在专题组组长,否则其将被视为无故缺席。工作组成员三次或三次以上不参加工作组活动,或连续两次无故缺席者,视为其自动放弃其工作组成员资格。 |
4. Once a Working Group Staff is appointed by a Member, he/she shall remain comparatively stable. Member shall endeavor not to substitute Working Group Staff actively involved in Working Group projects before his/her work is finished. If any substitution needs to be made, the Member concerned shall notify the Secretary-General of the Working Group in writing. In cases where any Working Group Staff cannot participate in the activities of the Working Group, he/she shall notify the Chair of the Subgroup he/she belongs to in advance. Otherwise he/she will be considered as being absent without due course. Any person of the Working Group Staff who does not participate in Working Group activities for three or more times, or is absent without due course for two consecutive times, shall be considered as having abandoned his/her Working Group Staff position automatically. |
5、工作组成员有义务保守工作组内部有关信息和技术秘密,未经批准,工作组成员不得对外发布标准制定信息,不得泄漏工作组会议、文档及其他内部信息,或从事商业炒作,一经发现,则取消指派该工作组成员的会员的会员资格;对违反上述规定的会员或工作组成员,工作组保留公开谴责的权利。 |
5. The Working Group Staff is obliged to keep in confidence relevant information and technology within the Working Group. Without approval, no person of the Working Group Staff shall release information about the formulation of standards, nor disclose contents of Working Group meetings, documents and other internal information, nor use such information for commercial promotion. Otherwise, the membership of the Member who appoints such a person shall be terminated. The Working Group reserves the right to make public condemnation against those Members or Working Group Staff who violate the above. |
6、会员或其工作组成员在工作组内部(包括工作组会议、工作组网络服务器、工作组邮件列表上发布的信息)提出的提案或其他技术信息,其知识产权归提出者所有。提出者保留申请专利或在公开出版物发表等权利。对于侵犯提出者权利的行为,工作组保留公开谴责的权利。 |
6. The intellectual property right of any proposal or technical information put forward by any Member or its Working Group Staff inside the Working Group (including information released at Working Group meetings, uploaded to Working Group network servers, or circulated on Working Group mailing lists) belongs to the contributor. The contributor reserves the right to apply for patents and/or to publish such information in public publications, etc. The Working Group reserves the right to make public condemnation against any act that infringes the rights of the contributor. |
7、标准所涉及的知识产权问题。 所有的会员或工作组成员在参加AVS工作组工作和活动中,都应该承认并遵守工作组制订的知识产权政策。 所有的会员都同意按照工作组的知识产权政策的有关规定,就标准涉及的专利向AVS标准的使用者提供有关专利许可。为便利产业界对AVS技术标准的采用,工作组支持建立AVS专利池。 工作组将遵循以下原则就AVS专利池的管理和其专利许可的原则作出建议性的规定:(1)公平非歧视性原则、(2)专利许可模式简易可行的原则;(3)有竞争力的许可费用原则。 |
7. Standard-related IPR issues All Members or Working Staff shall agree to and abide by the Working Group’s IPR Policy with respect to their participation in the work and activities of the Working Group. All Members agree to grant license to the implementers of the AVS Standards under its own patents related to the AVS Standards in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Working Group’s IPR Policy. To facilitate industry adoption of the AVS Standards, the Working Group will work toward establishment of an AVS Patent Pool. The Working Group will set up advisory Guidelines concerning administration of the AVS Patent Pool and patent licenses thereof in accordance with the following principles: (1) reasonable and non-discriminatory, (2) with a simple and practicable licensing structure, and (3) under a competitive license fee. |
四、工作流程 |
IV. Work Procedure |
1、 总体组负责提出标准体系规划、标准立项和标准终审稿的上报工作。 |
1. The Management Council is responsible for planning the overall structure of the standards, for making standardization proposals, and to submit the final drafts of the standards to related government authorities. |
2、 总体组负责会员大会的安排工作,秘书处负责会员大会的组织工作。会员大会一般每个季度召开一次。 |
2. The Management Council is also responsible for arranging the Working Group meetings and the Secretary General is responsible for carrying out the administrative work. The Working Group meetings are usually held quarterly. |
3、 各标准的起草、讨论、实验与验证等工作由所属专题的专题组组长负责。必要时专题组组长可另行组织专题组会议进行技术交流和研讨。 |
3. The drafting, discussion, testing and verification work of each Standard shall be the responsibility of the Chair of the Subgroup to which such Standard is related. The Chairs may arrange additional Subgroup meetings for technological exchange and seminars when necessary. |
4、 标准编制过程中应广泛征求会员意见,形成共识。对不同意见在组内协商解决;重大问题交总体组研究,必要时向主管部门汇报。 |
4. During the course of the formulation of the standards, the opinions of all Members shall be collected and considered to achieve common understandings among the Members. Different opinions shall be settled through consultation inside the Working Group. Important issues shall be submitted to the Management Council and if necessary reported to the relevant authorities. |
5、 为保证工作组技术工作的正常开展,工作组组长和专题组组长可根据需要,聘请有关专家参加讨论和会议,提出建议。 |
5. To ensure the technical work of the Working Group is going on smoothly, the President of the Working Group and the Chairs of Subgroups may, if necessary, retain relevant experts to participate in team discussions and meetings and give suggestions. |